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Los Angeles, California | Mand Søger en Kvinde

Grundlæggende oplysninger

Jeg taler
Engelsk, Russisk, Andet
Jeg beskriver mig selv som
I was born in the former soviet union, but I am a proud American from head to toe. I served in US Army, and I love our exceptional country. I am a professional chess player, semi-pro soccer player. Obsessed with soccer and chess, and I love sports. I also love history, as I am a historian, a teacher, a chess coach and a soccer coach. I am obsessed with hiking, love to read tons, love historical movies horror and American Pie-like comedies. I am a writer, mostly politics, history and philosophy and poetry, but some satire and other topics too, versatile per se. I love working out, and this is the best to wake up and start my work out whilst listening to Mark Levin on a smart TV. I adore pets; at one point had 40 pets. Now only 7. I have had an Indian parrot for more than 21 years, and of course my little Princess, the Yorkie Poo, CHELSEA. She is the apple of my eye, my everything. I live in freaking marxist California. Very political and wear TRUMP outfit almost daily, living in Los Angeles. I am listening to the news almost 24/7 sleep only 2-4 hours. Newsmax is my source, somewhat Fox News. But as a writer I have to listen to the enemies too. Looking for a conservative woman who is into sports, on the right side of history and politics. Intelligent and of course nice looking.

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er
Min højde er
185 cm
Mine øjne er
Min etnicitet er
Min civilstand er
Jeg har børn
Ja - ikke hjemme
Jeg vil have børn
Mit bedste karaktertræk er
Piercet... Men kun øre(r)
Mit hår er
Jeg har en eller flere af disse
Hund, Fugl, Eksotisk dyr, Reptil, Andet
Villig til at flytte


Mit uddannelsesniveau er
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er
Mit speciale er
Lærer / uddannelse
Min jobtitel er
teacher, writer and tutor
Jeg bor
Nogle gange er det vildt
Jeg er ryger
Jeg drikker
Ja - til fester


I gymnasiet var jeg
Min sociale opførsel er
Højrøstet, Observerende, Asocial, Party Starter, Pyroman, Uadvendt
Mine interesser og hobbier er
Religion / Spiritualitet, Familie, Spise til middag, Fotografering, Motion, Læsning, Kunst og håndværk, Sport, Læring, Musik, Tv, Film, Internet, Spil, Gå på diskotek / barer, Dans, Teater, Rejser, Madlavning, Havearbejde, Kortspil, Camping, Frivilligt
Min idé om at have det sjovt er
Være sammen med venner, Feste, Shoppe, Være hjemme, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Afslappende, Diskotek / barer, Ekstremsport, Læse en bog, Spille computerspil, Tv, Tage til koncert, Gå på museum
En ideel første date ville være
Any outcome might be ideal-one night stand, hating each other, or long-term relationship-once you know the person after 15 min or 2-3 hours you would know the right outcome. Of course, ideally it would be physical and carnal chemistry and intellectual connection, as well as that feeling you have been known the person at least for 10 years. But alas, unless you are a marxist and a utopian we don't live in the ideal world.
Jeg har altid villet prøve
So many things like being on that inflatable boat on the raging water. Count me in for trying anything except for drugs, another man or freaking skydiving
Mine venner beskriver mig som
Venlig, Ballademager, En andre gerne vil være, Cool, Perfekt, Fjollet, Jeg har ingen venner, En flirt


Min religion er
Jeg deltager i tjenester
På ferier
Mit mål i livet er
to be recognized intellectually and financially, that's what I deserve. To write as many essays as possible, pamphlets, novels and satire to educate and to save our country from liberalism and marxism, to preserve our values and AMERICAN exeptionalism. And much more, this is too borad and abstract of the question
Min form for humor er
Snu, Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fjollet, Obskur, Slapstick, Fræk


I tv ser jeg altid
Nyheder, Dokumentarer, Dramaer, Sitcoms, Film, Sport, Genudsendelser
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en
Comedy, Drama, Dokumentar, Familie, Gys, Thriller
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til
Land, Elektronisk, Klassisk, Blues, Jazz, Latin, Dance, Folk
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid
Nyheder, Gammelt, Selvbiografi, Biografi, Klassisk, Sundhed, Historie, Hus og have, Humor, Matematik, Musik, Mystik, Natur, Filosofi, Politisk, Poesi, Religiøs, Satire, Videnskab, Sport, Jeg bryder mig ikke om at læse, Jeg er forfatter
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er
anything that doesn't hurt me or others. Sports, movies, reading, reading, reading, SOCCER, CHESS, beach volleyball, and much more

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?
Morsom, Flirtende, Magt, Spontanitet, Skaldethed, Følsomhed, Empati, Dygtighed, Humor, Flot udseende, Omtanke, Intelligens
Hvad leder du efter?
intelligence and look; being your backbone, lack of freaking feminism but plenty of feminine side. Being on the same political page, adventurous, like sports and pets, sexy, loving it, taking me for what I am, as behind every great man is a great woman, Nancy for Ronald Reagan
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?
Ven, Dato, Intim, Forpligtet