Bookworm Republicans

Hi, I am an Israeli and accomplishing my education in Portland area. Looking for a conservative woman who loves guns, fishing, Chuck Norris movies and worried about the future of the United States. Age 36 or slightly younger. Not more than one kid.

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Looking for a relationship that is compatible to mine. I’m conservative and a semi retired accountant with a political science background. Love history. I believe in the rule of law and the constitution. I also want election integrity. I enjoy...

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I'm sweet, kind loving warm carring easy to get along with.

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I'm a writer and retired scientist with new age sensibilities. My income comes from various investments that I have made. I have a Ph.D. in Integrative Health.

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Honest,Hardworking,Loyal,Conservative,Passionate. I'm looking for the one I can't wait to get home to, can't wait to hold in my arms and kiss.

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I am seeking a friend and possibly a romantic partner who is interested in experiencing life together. I enjoy travel, good food and wine, movies and theater, exploring, the beach, fishing, friends, cozy evenings at home, good books, etc. I am...

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I will expound later but succinctly stated, I am looking to build something long-term with an angel (and I hope that she is, too) as it is so much easier to take on California with a partner. Age range open, but I do have a youthful energy. Living as...

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Love to laugh and share moments of life’s greatest times. Looking for that positive oriented lady who would enjoy a life partner whom wants to explore this adventure together!

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I am kind, thoughtful, loving with a sense of humor. I like to travel and I enjoy being home. I am health conscious and think it necessary to my well-being. I am a conservative Christian and would appreciate all of the above qualities in my mate.

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