Dating Republicans

Conservative, sports loving person. I enjoy beaches, sand and sun. Boating, golfing and smoking fish, chicken and ribs are hobbies.

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I'm a recently and suddenly widowed person with an amazing family. I'm exploring the new direction my life has taken and trying to figure it out. I'm a happy person, committed to an observant modern Jewish lifestyle. I spend time in Israel and have...

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In the process of rehabbing from a serious accident. Having no fun. It is a slow arduous process. It would b nice to have a cheerleader to add encouragement. I built my own rehab room to get me over the hump. I'm using a wheelchair now. I was the...

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Looking for a good way to meet people . Spend time working on the house and rescuing puppies.

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I am a 59 year old woman that is looking for a wonderful connection. I have learned from life itself and know the most valuable things in life cannot be bought with all of the money in the world. The most valuable thing in life is happiness and I...

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Name is Shane and im new at the dating thing

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Easy going, laid back! Looking for the same.

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I kinda what Can probably to modest. I took myself out of Being with a significant other 20 years ago. I'm Just Now Testing the Water. I have a Wonderful Home Improvement Co. Very Great Customer Base. I must be Doing Something Wrong. They keep me...

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Like to have a good time. Camping, fire, beer, AMERICA!! Anything outdoors.

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